apotheosis: elevation to divine status
ascetic: rigorously abstinent, austere
bauble: showy, cheap ornament
beguile: influence by trickery
burgeon: grow or develop quickly
complement: something that completes or makes perfect
contumacious: stubbornly rebellious
curmudgeon: bad tempered person
didactic: instructive
disingenuous: lacking in sincerity
exculpate: free from blame
faux pas: slip in manners
fulminate: explode with loud noise
fustian: bombastic language
hauteur: fancy
inhibit: to prohibit, restrain
jeremiad: mournful complaint
opportunist: one who takes advantage of any opportunity presented
unconscionable: not guided by conscious
The adumbrative picture shed light on what the model car would look like when completed.
Some monks claim to have reached an apotheosis after attending Buddhist monasteries for long periods of time.
To some the Mormon way of life seems ascetic.
The bauble she wore around her neck make her look trashy and cheap.
Laura tried to beguile her English teacher into giving her no homework for the night.
The burgeoning garden was home to fresh flowers and squash.
Philip told everyone that his fiancé complemented or completed him.
Heather’s parents blamed her contumacious attitude on the fact that she was going through the teenage years.
Nobody wanted to take the professor’s class because word around school was that he was a curmudgeon.
Packaged furniture often comes with didactic booklets.
The mayor’s disingenuous speech left most of the crowd dissatisfied.
When the thief confessed to the crime, the previous suspected was exculpated.
Wearing your hat at the dinner table is a well known social faux pas.
The chemicals fulminated when put into the same tube.
The author’s fustian essays had superfluous words and quotes.
The actor’s hauteur was almost tangible.
The hungry travelers were full of jeremiads.
Henry was an opportunist, he stove to take advantage of everything presented to him.
Bethany’s unconscionable actions were almost unforgivable in the eyes of her peers.
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